14-16 March, 2025

9am - 5pm Everyday

Auckland Showgrounds

Greenlane, Auckland


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Alternative options to speaking with the bank

28th February 2018

There are a large range of circumstances where you need to make finance enquiries but need alternative options to speaking with the bank and CreditOne can help out with that.


Some recent situations where finance from CreditOne has helped people get into their motorhome or caravan sooner. 

  • One couple were in the middle of renovating their house ready to put it on the market, but needed to order their motorhome three months' in advance in order to secure exactly what they wanted. They've now taken delivery of their dream motorhome thanks to the bridging finance CreditOne arranged and once their house has sold, they will be living in the motorhome and travelling NZ.
  • Another client just wanted to have a caravan for recreational use and to see more of NZ. CreditOne topped up his small deposit so he could buy a caravan that was the perfect fit for him.
  • Business owners who have rental accommodation on their property purchasing a caravan that can be rented out on AirBnB, and used by them for holidays when they want to get away.

When you’re looking for that perfect motorhome or caravan, one thought that will cross your mind is how you’re going to pay for it. Despite popular belief, not everyone has the cash to get into their dream motorhome or caravan right away! Fortunately CreditOne make it easy to explore your finance options…. See their website for more info 

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